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in HydroHub by
Hello AEM3D world!

Nice to be the first post in forum! :-)

Although I am defining the Executables folder in HydroHub, once I am going to run the pre_aem3d via hydrohub, I am getting the following error:

Executable pre_AEM3D not found at path E:\AEM3D_executables\pre_AEM3D

Everything works fine by running the preprocessor using the CMD commanding.

It seems really odd since everything must be working same as ARMSLite.
Where am I making mistake and How can I solve this problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi, I've updated the Hydrohub lite downloads to fix this issue, can you please redownload the file and try agina.

by [email protected] (170 points)
Hi, I have the same problem and I couldn't solve the problem.

What I can do?
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