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in HydroHub by [email protected] (570 points)
Hi Chris

I tried to create a bathymetry file by HydrohubeLite, from the AEM3D> create Bathy from XYZ. I inputted the necessary dat files, such us XYZ file, outline and island file but in the bathymetry file that was created  are missing some rows and columns from the region. I sent you in your mail, the (3) dat files (XYZ file, outline and island line), if you could help me please and explain me why is this happening.



1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
edited by [email protected]

Hi Evangelos,

If an outline file is given then points outside the polygon in the outline file are set to land.

If an island file is given then points inside the polygon defined by your island file are set to land.

If you just use the bathymetry file, you should get a full matrix of bathymetry 

If you add the outline file then land cells are set at the top-right and bottom-left of the matrix

If you add the island file there is a land island in the middle.

The values in the outline and island files don’t get used for the gridding.  

The steps are the XYZ file is gridded then any cells that are outside the polygon defined by outline.xyz are set to land and then any cells inside the island file polygon are set to land.

I think you want to add the points from your outline and island files to the XYZ file with a z value of 0.


by [email protected] (570 points)
Thank you very much Chris
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