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in AEM3D by [email protected] (120 points)


I am currently simulating the water quality in a reservoir and I’m having trouble with the pH subroutine. I have tried to run the exact same model on three different computers and it only works on the first one, in the other two, it tells me that there was a convergence error. Maybe it can be related to the equipment characteristics, I list them below:

Computer 1

Windows 10 Pro

Processor Intel® Core™ i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz


CPU op-mode(s): 64 bits

Computer 2

Windows 10 Pro

Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5700U wit Radeon Graphics 1.80 GHz


CPU op-mode(s): 64 bits

Computer 2

Ubuntu 18.04.4

Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GH


CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit

As I said previously, I am running the same model on all three computers, so I don't know what might be wrong. I await your reply attentively.


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.5k points)

Can you please try with the development download version as I've been working a lot on the pH model with Reza Valipour from Environment Canada.

There are some parameter name changes in the development version.  There has been some confusion with the P_C_Ratio (and N_C_Ratio) name which should specify P:ChlA ratio when simulating in ChlA units and P:Carbon when simulating in Carbon units so I’ve modified the code to allow users to specify either P_Carbon_Ratio or P_Chla_ratio.  Ycc is now carbon_chla_ratio and Internal nutrient min and max parameters such as nitrogen_min_internal are now called N_Chla_ratio_min (the user can also specify N_Carbon_ratio_min).

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