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in AEM3D by [email protected] (320 points)
Hi, Chris.

Thanks to your help, I have successfully run the model.

I have a few questions about the resulting output.

1. How can I set up multiple locations in run_wq.dat or time_series_file.

In the example, I checked two locations: (1) ts_surface_middle.dat, (2) ts_bottom_middle.dat

If I want to get output from 10 grids, how should I set it up?

2. Does the ITS result mean the average of the entire grids?

Does the basin average value mean the same as the average value of the entire grid?

Finally, it would be very helpful to be able to check the result extraction coordinates (i, j, k (or height or depth)) in the result file (*.csv).

This question (or suggestion) may be that I haven't looked closely at the AEM3D features.

Thank you very much for your help every time.


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
To add more TS points just copy one of the files to a new file, change the i,j, depth/height and then add it to run_wq.dat

ITS files have both the sum of all cell concentrations and an average value (sum/total volume)
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