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in AEM3D by [email protected] (120 points)

A similar question was posted years ago but has not been answered, so I would like to ask this question: how can I create horizontally varying surface boundary condition files?

The current version (1.2) of the User Manual states in section 7.7.6 that "HN-Inform can create a text file of interpolated data from a number of stations".  But no explanation is given where HN-Inform can be obtained.  In the downloaded zip file, it is not included, either.  I would like to know how we can obtain this program(?).

Alternatively, I would like to know the format of the horizontally varying surface boundary condition files which can be converted by create_surface_bc.exe for use in AEM3D.


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (650 points)
Hi, Sugita sensei,

I am not sure if the HN-Inform is available. I have never seen it before.

I made the original program to convert swan (wave model) output into ELCD (former AEM3d version). But I have not used it for some years. So I forget the create_surface program. I remember the format is unformatted, but it uses surf_map information by pre_aem3d.

If you show the condition you want to apply for AEM3d, Chris may get some suggestions.

In the case of the wave model, I may supply you with sample files for ELCD (I am not sure if it works).


by [email protected] (140 points)
Hi, I was wondering if there was any insight on  horizontally varying surface boundary condition files using create_surface_bc.dat with regards to multiple met input files?

by [email protected] (650 points)
I guess you can do it or set up separate domains for different met conditions.
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