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in AEM3D by [email protected] (240 points)

I carried out 3 simulations with different vegetation configurations in AEM3D to see the effect of vegetation on both temperature and velocity.

A movie showing the simulated surface temperature and velocity magnitude of the three simulations is shared through the link below, along with the configuration files:


In the vegetated area, incoming short wave is reduced by 70% and wind speed was reduced by 50%. As a result, the vegetated area is heated up evidently slower than the open water area, as shown by the movie. However, the results overall showed that there seems no effect even if the vegetation drag is 1.0, much higher than bottom drag (0.0035), the simulation results are identical to those with no vegetation implemented.

So, I am now pretty confused about the function of vegetation in AEM3D. Or, is there any problem with my configuration? Could you please share your suggestion and help me to solve this issue?

Many thanks.

Wencai Zhou

Earth Research Institute, UCSB

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