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in AEM3D by [email protected] (790 points)

I am getting "Dissolved oxygen limit of 25 mg/l violated ...#(154) cells have been limited" warning late in the summer during AEM3D simulation. Does that just mean those cells of which how many of them stated in the warning became anoxic? What is the significance of this warning? This is a lake that commonly remains anoxic for most part of the year in the hypolimnion.

Thank you so much again,


1 Answer

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by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Seyoum,

This limit is actually saying your simulation has a really large DO concentration.  The model doesn't currently do in DO release due to oxygen saturation so this hard limit just makes sure things don't go too crazy.

This DO is probably unrealistic and is most likely due to large production due to an unrealistic algal bloom.

by [email protected] (790 points)

Thank you so much. That makes sense because these warnings were coming during summer months. Thanks again.
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