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in AEM3D by [email protected] (540 points)
Hi Chris,

While trying to start my simulation using a "restart_final.unf" file, I came up with the following error and the model crashes at the very beginning. Here is the log:

01:22:19  INFO:  * NOTE: Reading restart file: infiles/restart_final.unf
01:22:19  INFO:  ***** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR *****
01:22:19  INFO:  * in subroutine read_int                                        
01:22:19  INFO:  * Error reading int from file infiles/restart_final.unf
01:22:19  INFO:  * Expected value 4803
01:22:19  INFO:  * Read value 4808
01:22:19  INFO:  *********************************************************

I would appreciate your help. Thank you


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Behnam,

This usually means something has changed in your grid.  Have you modified your bathymetry between restarting?

by [email protected] (360 points)

I'm getting the same error.  All I did was move my AEM3D model folders from old  to new computer.  Downloaded new executables, installed the .dll files.  Tried an older executable and get the error, "***** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR *****
 * in subroutine read_and_convert_real1D
 * Error reading dz_zf from file infiles/usedata.unf

by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Reed, you will need to re run pre_aem3d with the new executable.

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