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in AEM3D by [email protected] (180 points)

I want to know the physical meaning of KT which is determined as sediment mass half saturation coefficient with unit (g m-2). As far as I understand, this parameter controls the effect of sediment limitation on resuspension. But how it can be added to roused * A which has a different unit?

And how the increase of KT will limit the sediment resuspension flux? Doesn't the increase of sediment mass in this area increase the amount of sediment resuspended?

1 Answer

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by [email protected] (19.8k points)
the resuspension term is given by

alpha*(T-Tc)/Tref * (SSsed/(K+SSsed))


alpha is the resuspension rate parameter (g m-2 s-1)

T is bottom stress, Tc critical stress and Tref a reference stress

SSsed is the sediment concentration of the particle (g m-2) and K is the half st coefficient (g m-2).

Does that all make sense?

by [email protected] (180 points)
SSsed is the sediment concentration within the bottom layer or at the lakebed surface (sediment pool)?
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
It is the sediment pool.  So as this is reduced the resuspension is reduced and the rate of reduction is controlled by K
by [email protected] (180 points)
SSsed is calculated by rou_sed *A and A here is surface area (the unit is wrong then)?
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
SSsed is just the mass of sediment (g) per unit area (m2).
by [email protected] (180 points)
Is that a user-defined value? or it can be calculated by other equation?
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
These are the _SED vars that need to be initialised by the user.  For example via DEFAULT_SSOL1_SED in the run file
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