0 votes
in AEM3D by [email protected] (550 points)

I am using the caedym_files included in the RoundLake example to run my own lake, but I get the following message:
" Either POCL_SED or  POCL_SED_DEPTH must be initialized"
Could you please tell me where should I initialize them?
in .int file there are the following values related to POCL:


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
When using the new water quality module on initialisations must be done in using the standard methods (ie, the same way you would initialise a hydrodynamic scalar such as temperature).

These can be dune using the DEFAULT values in run_aem3d.dat or using any of the initialisation file types.

In the Round Lake example this variable is initialised in the run_aem3d.dat file in the line

0.04                                            DEFAULT_POCL_SED
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