+1 vote
in AEM3D by [email protected] (240 points)
Dear Chris,

I am using iWaterQuality for the simulation of hydrodynamics and water quality. There is a column in the ITS files (e.g. PO4) under hydrodynamics, I was wondering if there is a document that explains how this part is calculated? or what phenomenons are driving that column in particular for nutrients?



1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Ali, each of the ITS files details the integrated change to the variable for each process.  So for PO4_its.csv.  The columns are Hydrodynamics, Mineralization, Phyto Uptake, and Sediment Flux.

The values are then the change in the timestep to PO4 during each of those processes.
by [email protected] (240 points)
Thank you so much for the quick response. I know how Mineralization, phytoplankton uptake, and Sediment flux are calculated. Now the question is how hydrodynamics make changes to PO4? Is there a document on that? Something like equations for other parameters in CAEDYM manual.

by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hydrodynamics changes for the ITS files will just be due to inflows/outflows.  

For the time-series point files changes are due to advection/diffusion
by [email protected] (240 points)
Thanks again for the comment.
In my case, I did not define PO4 in the inflow and I do not have outflow. But I still get a considerable amount of PO4 under hydrodynamics. It is the same with the other nutrients. I set inflow DO to zero, I still get values under hydrodynamics in ITS files. Could this have other reasons such as precipitation and evaporation? if yes does that also apply to nutrients too?
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
If no PO4 values are specified in the inflow conditions then a Neumann boundary condition is enforced i.e. flow entering the domain will be given a concentration equal to the value inside the domain.

Evaporation will have an impact on surface cells but should be net 0 for ITS files. Precipitation comes in with a concentration of 0 for all scalars except temperature.

There will also be numerically rounding errors that can occur.
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