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in AEM3D by [email protected] (440 points)

Hi Chris - We're using AEM3D for 10 day lake Erie forecasts (https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2021-34).  We have the model running in realtime and then every 24-hrs use a restart file to hot start a 10-day forecast.  To avoid drift in our realtime model, would it be possible to use sequential data assimilation, where we adjust the restart based on realtime observations?  I recall you emailed it wasn't possible to do this through the run_aem3d.dat file.  But could we edit the restart files directly in matlab or python?   Isn't this what was done in Bothelo and Imberger (2007) did?

1 Answer

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by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Leon,

This should be possible but would probably be easiest in Fortran.  You could use the read and write routines in the file aem3d_restart_v3_type.f90 and then have a separate routine for your nudging.

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