0 votes
in AEM3D by [email protected] (540 points)
Hi Chris,

how can I get outputs of Microcystis (Phycocyanin) in AEM3D? What's the code for that in datablock.xml?

Thank you


1 Answer

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by [email protected] (19.8k points)
selected by [email protected]
Best answer
Hi Behnam,

The key concept is that the new WQ model has no predefined phytoplankton groups.  The group description is completely done in the individual phyto_group_file files.

This includes the output keyword. So whatever name you have used in the phyto_group_file is what goes in the datablock file.


CYANO     name

by [email protected] (540 points)
edited by [email protected]
Thanks for you reply Chris,

Yes, I noticed the change in the manual. But let's say I want to get outputs only for Microcystis under CYANO. So I define it in the phyto_group_file as:

microcystits    name

and give microcystis as output in the datablock file. So far so good. But does the model recognize the code microcystis automatically, or I need to do any further settings and adjust other parameters for it? How do I know which parameters with which codes are needed to change for it?

This is still unclear to me. Should I define a new file (eg microcystis.dat) and re-adjust parameters for that? How can I be sure that any new parameters that I may define, are recognized by the model?

by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi Behnam, that's all you need to do.  You can rename the file to microcystis.dat for clarity.

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