0 votes
in AEM3D by [email protected] (140 points)

Hi Chris,

I've been able to run pre_aem3d.exe and aem3d.exe without any errors with a resolution of 62x62x48 and I wanted to try a resolution of 84x84x60 (with the same lake shape and dx/dy) but if I increase either x_rows or y_columns to 84, I get the following error:

forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B07EF286  AEM3D_DATABLOCK_A         706  aem3d_datablock_all3D.f90

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B069E7B4  AEM3D_DATABLOCK_F        1272  aem3d_datablock_file.f90

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B0425680  AEM3D_TIMESTEP_LO         396  aem3d_timestep_loop.f90

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B0412B89  MAIN__.P                  404  aem3d_main.f90

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B126EEA2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

aem3d.exe          00007FF7B12797FC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

KERNEL32.DLL       00007FF8986874B4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

ntdll.dll          00007FF899EA26A1  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

The only changes I've made to the datablock since it ran last time have been the locations of the profile and curtains to still be the centre. Although if I give an index higher than 40, I'll also get this error:

CheckNCStatus:  An error occured whilst executing netCDF command NF90_PUT_VAR.

This occured in procedure write_profile_dynamic_3ddata

while operating on netCDF entity Dynamic3DVariables(jj).

netCDF status value = -40

 NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound

Do you have suggestions for what I may be missing?

Thank you,


1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (650 points)
Hi Dana,

I had a similar problem.

Can you try the new version, which solves this error?


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