0 votes
in AEM3D by [email protected] (540 points)
edited by [email protected]
Hi Chris,

There is an output variable called TIN (probably total inorganic nitrogen), which is a fraction of TN. I would like to know if it is identical to NO3+NO2? If not, would it be possible to include DIN (or Nitrite NO2) both in the NC and TS outputs? Right now DIN and Nitrite are not being written into netcdfs and TSs even though I am including them in the datablock file.

Thanks, Behnam

1 Answer

0 votes
by [email protected] (19.8k points)
Hi, TIN is NH4+NO3.

NO2 is not simulated.

by [email protected] (540 points)
edited by [email protected]
Thanks. is there any chance to include NO2 in the outputs in the future versions? It is included in the geochemistry, anyway (at least I see it in the manual).
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